Our campaigns and actions:
Arming Ukraine
Defeating the Russian aggressor and allowing Ukraine to regain its internationally recognized borders is the only solution
Confiscate Russian state assets
Implement all necessary provisions for the confiscation of Russian public assets deposited in France. Helping the Ukrainian state to confiscate these funds would constitute an act of affirmation of international law.
Supporting Russian Dissent
We supported Vladimir Kaza-Mourza's candidacy for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize nomination
Invade the social networks of the Immortals of Democracy on May 9
The EU-AU Cultural Forum: Declaring War
The right of a people to self-determination, the right of a nation to assert its existence, the right of a culture to express itself and flourish are inalienable principles that define democracy and its history, principles that Vladimir Putin's regime tramples on in Ukraine, but also in Russia itself, the better to deny them to the world.


Constantin Sigov,
When Ukraine Rises , Talent Editions, 2022, p. 228.
The aim of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine is the systematic and consistent massacre and extermination of the Ukrainian people, their identity and the deprivation of their right to self-determination and independent development. The world must recognise the genocide of the Ukrainian people during the Russian invasion in 2022.
“Daily mass murders, abductions, imprisonment, torture, rape of women and children, disfiguring corpses after death, executions, blockades of localities, destruction of civilian infrastructure, the use of man-made hunger as a method of warfare.... And there are many such atrocities all over Ukraine where the Russian invader has set foot”, stressed the President of the Ukrainian Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, insisting that we cannot remain silent.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine calls on the whole world to recognize Russia's actions as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
Constantin Sigov,
Letter from Kiev , “Placards and Libelles”, no. 12, Ed. du Cerf, April 2022, unpaginated.
The fundamental resource, the essential energy, the ferment of resistance consists in individual and collective courage. Now, if courage can melt, like snow in the sun, it can also grow in the face of adversity. War is very difficult work and we, Ukrainians, realize this today. The physical and psychological pressure is extreme for everyone. But from Kharkiv to Lviv, and all the way to Paris, we must commit ourselves to this task, dedicate all our personal, moral and physical strength to it. At any moment, the curtain of illusions, which makes us believe that conflicts are only distant, is likely to be torn. Violence can enter every nation as it can enter every home. To prevent this fatality from happening, we must not turn away from its possibility. We must not become discouraged. Ourselves, but also mutually, each other.