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Des générateurs pour l'Ukraine_edited.png

Since March 2024, Russian strikes have destroyed 70% of Ukraine's electricity production capacity.

In the city, people live up to 15 hours a day without light, heating, elevators or running water. In shops, offices or industries, power cuts lead to the cessation of economic activity and, ultimately, bankruptcy.

We receive many calls for help: Ukraine needs emergency equipment.

In 2023-24, with the Kalyna association (10 years of experience in deliveries in Ukraine) we delivered nearly 800 generators, 200 of which were thanks to you in November and December.

We have identified more specific needs, on models such as ECOFLOW DELTA 2 (silent, solar rechargeable, etc.) at a cost of €1,600.

Its characteristics are:
- Capacity 1 KW (output 1800 Watts)
- Long life: 3000 cycles
- Power supply for 13 devices simultaneously
- Scalable (adding additional batteries, inverter)
- Rechargeable by portable solar panels

Negotiated price: 1,600 Euros excluding VAT
- Delta 2 Station: 999 Euros
- Solar panels: 499 Euros
- Power Stream inverter: 299 Euros
- Cable and waterproof bag: 119 Euros

Examples of use:
- 16 charges for a Laptop
- 90 charges for a mobile phone
- 58 hours of lighting
- 14 hours for a fridge
- 1 hour of electric heating

Share this campaign on your networks and with your friends, with the dedicated flash code.

ECOFLOW Delta 2 generator for Ukraine .png

Help us buy 20 powerful and quiet generators

Thanks to you we already have €7,000 in donations. We still need €25,000

Make your tax-deductible donations using the link below

I donate by Paypal

Donate with PayPal

Generators for Ukraine!

The German Stahl MT8500W thermal generator, with a power of 8500 Watts, is a quality equipment for construction and civil engineering works. It has 3 outputs in 230 V single-phase and one output in 400 V three-phase. Its 6.5 HP gasoline engine ensures reliable and durable performance perfectly suited to the needs in Ukraine.

Ukrainians need us to survive this winter.

Help us buy and send them generators!

Generators for Ukraine_PLU.png

We have secured an extremely competitive offer to be seized immediately.

200 units: €24,000 incl. VAT

Transport costs: €6,000 including tax

We must harvest as soon as possible


The donations collected already amount to

18,360 euros..

A thank you message for the generators.png

20 generators were sent by our association during the 2022-202 winter in collaboration with Kalyna

This year, 'For Ukraine' has already sent 7

Energy needs are as pressing as ever.

Let's keep supporting the Ukrainian resistance

Générateurs Ukraine
Générateur Ukraine 1
Ukraine Groupes électrogènes 4
Générateurs Ukraine 3

20 generators were sent by our association during the 2022-202 winter in collaboration with Kalyna

This year, 'For Ukraine' has already sent 7

Energy needs are as pressing as ever.

Let's keep supporting the Ukrainian resistance

DONS Energy For Ukraine
La campagne Energy 4 Ukraine de l'association Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre ! en col
Ce sourire ukrainien à la réception de générateurs fait chaud au coeur
Ces générateurs sont de vrais rayons de soleil pour la résistance ukrainienne
Gardons la résistance ukrainienne au chaud
Ces portables seront rechargés par les générateurs. Les forces armées pourront ainsi garder contact

A donation campaign to buy generators


The requests from the various reconnaissance, training and artillery units are for small diesel-powered generators with a capacity of more than 5 kilowatts, manually started and mounted on chassis, to meet the needs of the personnel involved.

Generators are immediately transported by land to their destination.

banque en ligne

You can also make a bank transfer to POUR L'UKRAINE's Crédit Mutuel account


IBAN FR76 1027 8060 3700 0210 6110 183


Bank address: CCM Paris 15ème

Account holder : Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre, 75002 Paris


In this case, please send an email to our treasurer to indicate the purpose of the donation:

A collection in collaboration with the charity Kalyna


L’association Pour l’Ukraine, pour leur Liberté et la nôtre, créée par 130 universitaires rejoints par de très nombreux partisans et partisanes de la cause ukrainienne, intervient dans la presse, auprès des élus, mène des campagnes publiques d’information en soutien à l’Ukraine. Elle se propose en complément de ces actions d’apporter une aide très concrète à la victoire en fournissant à ceux qui se battent ce dont ils ont besoin.

Depuis 2014 l’association KALYNA entretient un contact permanent avec ceux qui protègent l’Ukraine. Elle pourvoie à leur équipement, grâce à sa logistique et son réseau local de bénévoles sur tout le territoire. Elle organise également des actions caritatives au profit de la population ukrainienne, sous forme d'expéditions de colis alimentaires adressés, de médicaments et autres produits de première nécessité.

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